Developing the Optimal Data Strategy

Citrus Consulting works towards the philosophy of “Right Infrastructure; Right Location; Right Business Outcome”.

Sharing Knowledge

Earlier this year Citrus Consulting took several customers on a Digital Transformation Study Tour (EBC) to reinforce the knowledge of the market and to enhance our customers data solutions over the coming years. As a leading service provider in New Zealand, Citrus Consulting works constantly to ensure we are ahead of the curve for our customers and to continually enhance our service offerings.

Operating with the philosophy of “Right Infrastructure; Right Location; Right Business Outcome” experience has shown us that with each environment there are pros and cons for where the data and applications should reside. We know that there is no silver bullet for where a customer should keep their data and applications, so we work closely with our vendor partners to develop the optimal data strategy for each client.

Study Tour Outcomes

Citrus and our customers attended a session with Dave Hitz, Founder and EVP of NetApp, in San Jose discussing modern data solutions. As experienced as any individual or company can be with modern Cloud solutions, it is invaluable to hear the perspective of a third party and hear about other challenges and the solutions that have been put in place. In identifying the trends for companies modernising data solutions, there was a focus on understanding the potential benefits across a range of diverse market options.

Citrus Consulting believes the key to making the decision on where the data and applications should reside should be done on a case by case basis; and our study tour reinforced this. The key points to making the decision lie with cost of the location, the critical nature of the application or data, the location of the users and the security and availability of networks. The resources and knowledge that vendors like NetApp can provide is extremely valuable, and the insights gained over the study tour will continue to benefit Citrus and our customers well into the future.

For every Challenge, there’s a Solution

Looking at a wide range of businesses with an array of different circumstances, a customer may benefit more by using their own converged infrastructure, which could be built in their own data centre or a local private data centre in the region or country. In some cases, there may be merit in using shared infrastructure to keep costs down, private cloud can provide an advantage in the speed of deployment and public Clouds excel in machine learning environments. From case studies and overall market statistics it is demonstrated that for companies with broad IT requirements the best possible outcomes can only be provided by a multi-Cloud solution, with specific services offering valuable points of difference.

Citrus Consulting works towards the philosophy of “Right Infrastructure; Right Location; Right Business Outcome” and by bringing our customers and our vendors together, as we did the with our recent study tour, all parties can work together to develop a unified understanding of problems and solutions within the sector.


Right Infrastructure; Right Location; Right Business Outcome is the title of a blog written by Stuart Oliver – Global Consulting Director at NetApp

Contact Us

For more information on how you can leverage the most business potential out of your data while making the most of your existing IT investment, contact us at Citrus Consulting.